
Deliveroo renews partnership with Flare to enhance safety for Couriers

December 5, 2022

Your safety is our priority and that is why we partner with Flare. We offer free access to Flare’s premium features including:

  • Incident Detection so we’ll know instantly if you need help
  • SOS Alerting if you feel unsafe or threatened you can discreetly call for help.
  • Notify Contacts, so your loved ones will be alerted in case of an accident, giving them peace of mind.
  • Perks Monthly prize draw each month for the Top Rider with most Protected Miles
  • Hazard Reporting where we pre-warn riders if there are potholes/ice reported on their route to reduce risk
  • Incident Prevention by transmitting your location to nearby vehicles

Scan the QR below and these instructions to start benefitting immediately!

In addition, you could win £100 every month, which will be given to the most active rider!
Lets Go

Download the Flare app.

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